Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Lars Vilks


Anonymous said...

تسلم أيدك يافنان

بجد مدونة جامدة وطبعا شغلك منور فيها زي ما انت معودنا علي فنك الجميل
واللهي فكرة انشاء فكرة للرد علي الاساءة فكرة جامدة جدا

واحييك بشدة علي اتخاذك الموقف الايجابي دة ومنفضش وقولت انا مالي ما اللي يرسم يرسم

مجهود عالي عالي عالي

اسكندراني اوي said...

الله ينور

ربنا يكرمكم ويديكم على قدر استماتتكم في الدفاع عن الرسول الكريم
ماتنسوش النيه يا شباب علشان تؤجرو ان شاء الله

لكم جم التحيه

Essbeck said...

Greetings from Sweden. Its beatiful pictures and I hope them keep coming. I wonder about the pointy ears on that first caricature whats the symbolic in that?

I have a question to all of this. What would happend to a Egyptian cartonist if he made a charicature of Muhammed ?

How does the Egyptian emergency laws react to sutch a cartoonist? And how is that freedom of expression ?

Do you folks belive in freedom of expression ?

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...


Nice drawings. Are you using Adobe Illustrator or are you mixing hand drawing and Illstrator (or Photoshop)?

Since you may not be so familiar with the cultural environment the artist Vilks works in, I wan´t to give you a tip - the dog is not really seen as a dirty creature i Sweden where Vilks lives.

I was thinking what kind of animal the people i Sweden think is a "filthy" creatue, and all I came up with was mayby the pig. The problem is that most people nowadays knows that the pig are more close to the human being than the monkey (if you study the genes) and the pig is also a very intelligent animal.

Then I came to think abut the rat. But at the same time I remeber that many people I know keep rats as pets, and even if I am more a dog lover, I really can find a rat (that is clean and socialised) a nice litle creature.

The snake could be the animal we looking for, but at the same time I know that the snake is a threatened animal up north, and therefore a animal that most people try to protect.

I don´t know if it´s possible to find a animal that you can put Vilks head on, to make him feel really bad. People in Sweden eat animals, but most of the people don´t really despise any kind of animal.

Kepp on trying though!

Anonymous said...

Hohohoho. What a picture! You dumb ass, you looks like your assfucked prophet, the pedofile Mr Mohammed!!

Suck my big Viking dick you egyptian sandmonkey, but do it quick before the white Christian civilisation will nuke you and your moeslims faggots away from this earth!!!


Unknown said...

والله جباااااااااار
عشره على عشره
ان هموت من الضحك

مواطن زهقان said...

بجد بجد
حاجة جميلة جاد ورسومات هايلة

fr3oon said...

تسلم الايادى والضمير باين اوى وانت بترسم يا فنان
ويستاهلوا اكتر من كده تسلم

حسن أمين said...

ربنا بيقول والجروح قصاص ..تسلم يا فنان
ما أخذ بالقوة لا يسترد بغير القوة .

Anonymous said...

تصدقك انت عملت الفكره
بس ياريت توسعها بقه
وتخليها عامه
وبما انك شجاااااااااااااع
زي شعبان عبد الرحيم
وانا بكره اسرايل
دب فيهم ومايهمكش
بس بجد الصور رائعه جداااااا
بس انا عايز اعرف الصور الي في الاول ده
رسم ولا فوتوشوب
ولا ايه
اصل باين عليها حقيقه شويه
بس لو رسم يبقي فعلا انت مشكله

صحفية روشة said...

هقولك كلمة سمعتها فى فيلم
نشنت يافالح ونشانك رشق
اديلو مترحمهوش
فى انتظار جديدك

bastokka طهقانة said...

ياه من 2 اكتوبر
اية الكسل ده
